Hot-Pressed NdFeb Magnets
The Hot-pressed NdFeB magnets divided into two types, Hot pressed isotropic NdFeB (MQ2) and hot -extruded anisotropic NdFeb magnet (MQ3). The Hot-pressed isotropic NdFeb magnet is produced by rapid quenched NdFeB magnetic pwder under high temperature through compression. The hot-pressed anisotropic NdFeB magnet is mainly anisotropic radially-oriented ring magnet which is produced through compression and extrusion deformation by rapidly quenched NdFeB magnetic powder under high temperature.
Our company mainly produce segment, block and ring magnet.

Technical Process :

Features :
1.High magnet performance, radially-oriented with uniform radial magnetic performance. High heat-resistance with working temperature reaching180℃.
2.The magnetizing poles and pole declination angle of magnet ring do not have to be reserved, which can be realized through design of changing magnetization coils, with freely using and enough adjustment by customs.
3.The magnetization wave of magnet ring can be customized and magnetized as square wave, sine wave and other special magnetization wave.
4.The magnet ring without assembling can be realized multi-polarization and magnet pole declination, which is convenient for motor assembling.
5.The magnet ring is nanometer crystalline structure with high density and ED coated by epoxy resin with excellent resistance, with thickness can be reached 20~35μm.
6.The hot-extruded ring anisotropic radially-oriented ring magnets are mainly used in EPS motors, servo motors, motors for electric tools and kinds of DC motors.